Strike Force Heroes: Extraction Wiki
Strike Force Heroes: Extraction Wiki

Welcome to the
Strike Force Heroes: Extraction Wiki

The wiki for Strike Force Heroes: Extraction, a game developed by Justin Goncalves and Mike Sleva of
Sky9 Games. We are currently editing 66 articles with 95 photos.

Characters | Weapons | Flaws | Perks | Shop | Gameplay

| Maps |

Sfhe available

Looking for SFH1 or SFH2? Click here for the SFH1 wiki and click here for the SFH2 wiki.

Community Projects: Coming Soon! Vote for your favorite weapons and classes on the Top 10 category pages.

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This is the fan-made Wiki for the iOS game Strike Force Heroes: Extraction. The game was developed by Justin Goncalves and Mike Sleva of Sky9 Games in late 2013, and published on the App Store on November 21, 2013, by NotDoppler. It is the first game Sky9 has designed for iOS and is loosely based on the very popular Strike Force Heroes flash game series.

Wiki News

The latest news from the Wiki team. This is the place to find out what's new, so return regularly to avoid missing new content!

February 25, 2015:

  • All of the weapons stats are finished! Each weapon page now shows the stats in percentages so that you can have an accurate view of each weapon's strengths and weaknesses!
  • Maps page added! You can know view information about each of the maps in SFH:E



Oxtail_Chamberpot_13 and TheAswanson are the wiki's admins. Please get in touch with either of them should you have a question.

For any other information or if you are interested in helping with the Wiki, please get in touch with either of the following: Oxtail Chamberpot 13, TheAswanson.

Alternatively, just leave a comment on a relevant page and one of us will get back to you as soon as we can.

Click here to view all Editors.

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